
Weight Loss Journey to 80 pounds - Over half way there!

I had a session with Amanda today and I told her I wanted to write a blog after I lost 80 pounds.  She asked me why I didn't start writing about it now. People love to hear journey stories. A friend of mine, Dayna, shared a post on Facebook from Called to Encourage - Amanda Kaldor. I liked the page and I saw a post that intrigued me, so I sent a private message. "I'd like information on weight loss too!" I sent the message on June 13, 2019 and we had our first health coach session on July 9, 2019! On our first session we talked about making the scale your friend.  Weight is just a number.  I didn't weigh myself regularly at first.  Around February, I started weighing myself almost daily. I've learned you need to be careful about what you tell yourself.  If you tell yourself "I'm lazy", Your brain isn't going to try to prove yourself wrong.  I'd change the way I would say things. 

The Ideal Team Player - May 2019 TPD@SPS

The Ideal Team Player Patrick Lencioni Developing Humility The most sensitive of the three virtues. Identifying Root Causes Identify the general cause of insecurity. Sometimes it can be traced to an employee's personality type. Exposure Therapy Need behavioral training in an exposure therapy kind of way. Make progress simple by acting like they are humble. By intentionally forcing themselves to compliment others, admit their mistakes and weaknesses, and take an interest in colleagues, employees can begin to experience the liberation of humility. Humility is the most attractive and central of all virtues. Leader Modeling Developing Hunger Hunger is the least sensitive and nuanced of the three virtues. nuanced -  characterized by subtle shades of meaning or expression. This is the hardest to change. Passion for the Mission and the Team Connect them to the importance of the work being done. Employees struggle to become hungry because they don't understand

November 7, 2018 - Dad's 1st Birthday in Heaven!

I took a vacation day today.  I wanted to write some thank you notes to give to the people that helped out after the accident.  (Fire Department, State Troopers, EMS, Stormont Vail, Kansas Rehab Hospital, etc.) I was planning on going to my happy place (Milagro) to write the notes.  I got there at 10am and saw they didn't open till 12, so I went to Pilgrim's Coffee.  I got an Autumn Spice Latte (I think).  I already don't remember...I chilled out there for awhile enjoying my drink. Then I headed over to Milagro to write the notes.  I just love that place.  I didn't even have an appointment, but was able to sit down on the couch, drink hot tea, and write my notes.  💚 My mom had sent me a text earlier in the day that Trystinn wanted to have birthday cake at the cemetery for my dad's birthday.  So I decided to have pie for his birthday.  I headed over to Upper Crust.  They didn't have chocolate or lemon in a single slice, so I got one of their small pies

Hair Journey - Post 1

I decided awhile ago that I was going to grow my hair out and donate it to "Locks of Love". I went to the Locks of Love website and found that I needed at least 10" to donate my hair. I do not want my hair super short, so I've decided to grow it out till August 2015.  My hair grows super slow, so I bought Hair Skin Nails from ItWorks.  We'll see how well it does.   I decided to start documenting the process on 10.5.2014. Picture 1 - I tried using a thin measuring tape to gauge how long my hair was.  I put the tip of it along my hair base line.  I decided I wasn't able to tell with the picture, so I decided to try a bigger ruler. Picture 2 - This one wasn't much better, but I do know this ruler is 12", so I have an idea of how long my hair is. Picture 3 - I decided to take one more that was not in a ponytail. Picture 4 - I think it's better if I have someone else take the pictures.  This one was taken 11.13.2014 after my hair was tri

Road tripping to Oklahoma!

Departure Time: Wednesday, Feb 23 5:00am I spend Tuesday evening baking an ALMOND Cheesecake.  Why?  An idea popped into my head earlier that afternoon and this was something I just couldn't pass up. Y'all know cheesecakes aren't the quickest thing on the dessert menu to make.  Here's something I did to pass time while waiting...waiting....waiting....  I was getting a little frustrated while I was out and about Tuesday night trying to find a cake box.  I needed to find a small box; afterall, this cheesecake was going on a 5 hour drive and I needed to keep it cool and I did not want to lug out the big cooler. I went to Hobby Lobby thinking they would have a huge selection. I was wrong.  WHAT IS WRONG WITH THAT PICTURE? I went to Wal-Mart; no such luck there. Okay, Geralynn it's time to get creative.  I just started browsing through the aisles to see what I could find.  I went through the grocery area and they were stocking shelves and I saw boxes.  I